Highly acclaimed shit.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

gosh today's National Day celebration is the worst in my entire life!
y like dat one!!
i realised that boring events keep happening in our last year in secondary school..!!
wth...even lutfi agreed...
the trip to discovery center was so horrible...
i tot we are going to see the exhibits or wat...
but instead we have to play some sort of treasure hunt...
very stupid lor!
the onli fun time is when we are in the security pavilion...
the bombs goes off and the whole simulator rumbles...

dat also brings me to comment about the class tshirt..
i mean its not that i dun appreciate or wat...
but it was so bloody not nice!! maybe not nice is not the werd...
its disgusting!!
green colour..then the collar so thin..wth!
omgomgomgomg..wats happening to my promised glorious last year in Zhenghua??


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