Highly acclaimed shit.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

i noe its a little late to talk bout the Adam Khoo workshop...
pretty bz with studies last few days....
well of cos its not as fun as the sec 2 version...
we all kena go out from the library two times leh!!
cos of the e5 lar!!
idiotic bustards!!
nvm its over after all.
but i wanna talk about day 2...
the most interesting...
3.46 pm...
Ramesh suddenli started bout asking us wat if our mother had heart attack in the toilet..
and he continued saying about sad things.....
i was realli holding back my tears...
then suddenly Galvin started bursting out..
he was more of weezing i tink...
then me too..started bursting out..lol
its like a chain reaction...
lutfi on my left was also bursting into tears..
luckily i didnt cry that loud..(:
how embarrassing..!!!


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