Highly acclaimed shit.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

b4 the school starts...
i promised myself i would make some chages to my personality...
1 of them which is to be more patient..
and of cos smile always!! :)))))
somebody tot me to always put a smiley face after a punctuation..

and of cos..
nth is fun without any discoveries...
i realised that the elevator at my home,
either when going from the 1st to 29th storey or vice versa..
takes 28 seconds...
found out that my bedroom looks haunted when photograghed in the dark..
see this pic..
eerie huh?
and talking about school reopening..
i've confirmed with lutfi dat i would be changing to contact lenses.
wearing spectacles during PE lessons really beat the shitty crap out of me.
i dont care wat ppl think of me..
w/o my specs..
say lor..i look ugly..
i'm already ugly...duh


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