Highly acclaimed shit.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

todays back to school...
if onli i can go home at 12.30pm again...haiz..
the chem spa was relatively easy...
the graph is a curve guys!!
face it.
rate of reaction always a curve..like galvin said...
then i told lutfi wat i did during the SPA exam and he said i was cheating...
WTH!!dats strategy...
using droppers to suck the solution up and place the solution into the measuring cylinder...
and need to fill up the cylinder till 50cm^3 some more....
its very time consuming...
so i kind of "hid" behind my bench and pour the solotion str8 from the container until 40cm^3
then 10cm^3 more i used the droppers...
its way faster...
more time to spare...


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