Highly acclaimed shit.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

wow...1 wk of no blogging..
nah..not that it affects me much..
not many interesting events though..
well except for last fri..
27 out of 39 pupils in my class wore their ethnic clothing..
including me!!
actualli i wana wear the Chinese clothes my aunt made fer me..
but i decided that eeeeewww...blue sux...i like brown.
at malay class better...
onli 3 ppl never wear..out of erm i tink 40 ppl?
took many photos.
i hate photos...i'm just not photogienic!!
talking about photos,
when we were going to take a photo with Mr Foo..
i wanted lutfi to sit beside me,
but then suddenly Caiyi grabbed the seat beside me...
aww nvm lah..nxt time k lut?
i liked asraf's songkok..got feather at the front...nice one!!

same day...6.30pm
dats when our eng nite class started...
mr wee belanja the whole class macdonalds!!
dats was sastifying mr wee!!!thnx!!
aniwae u got a pretty wife..(:
did an o level paper..then went through it...
i got 39 out of 50...leh tahan jugak eh??

back home...i was surprised to see a whiteboard hanging on the wall in front of my bed...
i onli requested fer it the day b4 to do my maths...
usualli he takes his time...
this shows how much we wants me to study..
so at 10.45pm(jus reached hm from nite class mah) i did my maths...
enthu seh!!

Sat 21st July,
my dad brought hm a fantastic news!!
he had been promoted to senior technical/logistics/coordination officer!!
congrats dad..keep up the gd werk..!

Sun 22 July,
in one hr time i'm goin madrasah...
then after that going to hi-tea at Pan Pacific..
gosh i'm quite sick of eating at the places....
it had been jus 3 wks ago we had it....
i jus wanna eat at the stall by the roadside..LOL


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