Highly acclaimed shit.

Friday, April 06, 2007

i was so freaked out at starbucks...
i was buying a raspberry frappuccino,
then suddenli this girl came beside me and talked to me
so i jus played along which i couldnt care less...
wat freaked me out was when she asked me fer my number and msn..
i was suddenli so kaku(stiff) and didnt noe wat to do
dat was the first time in my whole life that a girl asked me fer them...
i was so relieved when my drink was ready
i told her my msn and then went off...
at the traffic light suddenli i realise i was so stupid
to leave her alone..
but that was my first time and i couldn't handle that kind of situation,
i REALLI had no exp in this situations
but well... shes pretty sweet....hehe
and guess wat..now shes telling me in msn that she wans to meet me again...


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