Highly acclaimed shit.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

it was such an interesting day todae
wat else....
teaching the sec twos!
i was grateful to get such cooperative juniors
especialli this girl
her name is Zafirah
shes always alongside me
listening to my lectures....
yup staggered lectures
i was so nervous!!!
wat can i do??
but even though i'm nervous
this spiky haired teacher said i did a good job....
duh of coz ..i'm always gd!!!!

Mosquitoes realli had a good lunch on us...
Zafirah keep smacking her leg with the file i gave her...

Me: Ape ni...koyak jugak file tu smack smack kaki..
Zafirah: nyamuk ah..sek sek kacau jek...
Me: Oh ok...tapi nanti yg uat kaki merah bukan nyamuk...
Zafirah: Huh?
Me: Ye lar....smack smack dgn file sampai kaki merah...
Zafirah: *laughs her ass off*

basically she used the file i gave her to kill the mosquitoes on her legs...
then i said that the file instead of the mosquitos would make her legs red....

The trip was finally over at 4.30 pm...
We bidded ea other farewell...
i was so relieved...
a dry throat...wobbly legs...sleepy eyes....
when i reached hm, i literally lost my voice...
but after an hr later...i got it back,lucky me

Here are some of the pics taken...
Sungei Buloh

A monitor lizard by a rock...

The lovable sec 2s

Back hm

The beautiful nightscene from the 29th storey back home

The voiceless me


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