Highly acclaimed shit.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

its saturday!!at last!

woke up at 10am to get ready to hand in the ecology notes fer the sec 2's.
eh wait i tink i call them wkshts instead.
met my best fwen lutfi and go to sch togeta.
dumped the notes in Mr Anand's pegion hole and we went somewhere that shuldn't be revealed. After that, went home and studied fer the next day's religious exams.
at nite, me,my bro and dad went to the mosque and listened to the monotonous talk.
on the way home, scolded by my dad fer not paying attention at the talk..
and yeah he droved the car as if he's trying to kill us.

and again home, revised fer the final time and went to slp....literally
stayed up till 1 am watching my bro play games and chatted with him of our personal matters.
after dat, slpt at his bedroom...a.k.a sleepover.

and his laptop keyboard....yeah it irritating.


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