Highly acclaimed shit.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

todae i dissected the chrysanthemum flower,
it's the LAMEST dissection in my dissection history
haha...actualli this is onli my 2nd time
the frog dissection during sec 3 was fun
we cut the guts out
then when lesson ends, we stuff everything back into the body...
when i was finished with examining the flower
i followed wat fiona in shrek did
pluck the petals one by one
while saying tell her,tell her not
instead of tell him, tell him not
i dun even noe wat i'll be telling
and to whom...lamo

well that is all about todae...
yeah i noe its boring..

to make this post a better one
i'll end with this...

If you assume that
pressuring me with
ur incessant persuasion would help,
I guess you are seriously mistaken
Talk to my hand
coz i'm not listening....

haha...actualli this had been made by our class 4E1
for ppl who tried to ask us fer money in fund raisings...lol
ok then...peace out!!!


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