Highly acclaimed shit.

Monday, January 12, 2009

i'm feeling rather restless about the current Gaza war.
but well, its nothing i can do about really.
just pray.
anyway i can't help but comment that Malaysian government is pretty immature in banning Coca-cola products that sort of things.
they wouldn't give a damn because they got a hell of a bigger market elsewhere.
but this one thing i think might scare them.
cut off their oil supplies.
if the Middle East nations who supplies them oil were to not sell them the resources they would be pretty much in trouble.
yeap big trouble.
its pretty sad to know that the Hamas military had only been using rocks and home-made rockets that just end up in the desert or what without hitting any targets.
as compared to Israel's GPS rockets and their tanks and stuff.
no say?

i wonder if Singapore will give them humanitarian aid like they did when China was hit by an earthquake.
they even started a charity show with teary pleads for generous donation.
but this war?
had they been trying as hard as during the earthquake?
fuck hell they don't.
politically professional uh?
fuck lah to date more than 900 innocent people had died lah bloody hell.


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