Highly acclaimed shit.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

pheww....its 6 more exams to finish within 4 days....
i just couldnt wait to finish my 'o's..
its not that i wanted to have fun after the exams,....
i'm just feeling...so weak...
oh gosh!!!
sometimes i felt really afraid that i won't do well...
now i just remembered..after 'o's still got religious exams....

anyway i'm quite excited about the job at Standard Chartered bank...
i could't wait to go t the headquarters this tuesday to register...
and i'm going to start work at 19 Nov...
i dont need any break anymore....
wat gd can i do during breaks....
i couldnt go out dating...
i will just rot at home during breaks...
so might as weel start working a.s.a.p...
i feel like a loser fer not having a lover like other ppl...
but then see first lar...see my mood...
haha...mate air pun nak ikut mood...LOL


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