Highly acclaimed shit.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i've discovered another thing that pisses me off.
people sitting in the front seat of a car who never wears seatbelt.
Ayah: I know you are concerned about her safety but you mustn't sound so aggresive towards your mother.
LOL sorry mother.

another thing would be people asking stupid questions especially when someone is eating.
it happens everytime at the religious class i go every Tuesday with my parents.
not only the uncles or aunties will ask stupid obvious questions,
they ask them during the eating time when the teacher is eating.
as if there's not enough questions and answers session set aside.
i find it really rude especially considering their questions are so outright obvious.

haiya these people ah.
no manners at all.

nights and sweet dreams everybody.
no i'm not pissed, just saying my thoughts out loud.


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