Highly acclaimed shit.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

omg i can't believe my dad forced me to get a haircut..
haiz so long to the three new hairstyles i figured out during the Hari Raya Haji trip..
but nevertheless, i think i look fresher with shorter hair..
the long hair i previously had kept on covering my eyes and it gets pretty irritating sometimes.
oh well maybe its ok to have a haircut after all.
moreover i still have to cut it when i apply for relief teaching.

oh yeah.
talking about being irritated.
the moon irritated my eyes the moment i woke up around 6.15am.
i was like rubbing my eyes cos its itchy then suddenly when i removed my hand,
i was blinded by the moonlight.
it was right in front of my room's window and it was damn bright.
its also because since my bro slepover at my bedroom,
we slept perpendicular to the window, thats why i woke up facing the moon.
it was terrible.
imagine when waking up in a dark room then suddenly someone switches on the light.
yup its like that, only worse.
i did take a picture of the moon.
see what i mean?
ok i'm done complaining.
but the moon was beautiful though.
and uhuh this post is all about the MOON.

EDIT: Screenshots from the korban video will be out tomorrow. 
The gory parts won't be shown. :D

Quote of the day: Ok ah Hafiz become the rocker, I will be the stoner, you will the pebbler ok? Then we will be called the rockband! (Asraf in MSN conversation with me)


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